
Pokemon ash gray version review
Pokemon ash gray version review

  • Eviler Than Thou: Clearly the case with Manga Giovanni compared to Anime Giovanni.
  • The Dragon: Mewtwo from chapter 15 onward.
  • Red battle, but the heroes do learn to respect each other more.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Subverted after the Ash vs.
  • Red to a degree too, but he is set up more as The Hero.
  • Damsel in Distress: Misty from the end of chapter 14 until chapter 21.
  • I'm not even going to try to name all of them. By the end of the chapter, he improvises the mission by placing one under Giovanni's sleeve.
  • Chekhov's Gun: In chapter 9, Lance makes a passing reference to the fact that he has a small case of tracking buttons in his pocket.
  • The Captain: Red seems to usually have this position, but he occasionally trades with Ash or is shoved out of the way by Anime Lance.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Mewtwo after chapter 15 in a nutshell.
  • Sure, it looks like Red is being a jerk at first, but he's really just looking out for Ash.
  • Yellow clearly loses her cool a few times when Red goes missing.
  • And Red DOES NOT want any help from the anime crew in taking down his Big Bad.
  • Manga Giovanni is clearly afraid of the dex holders to the point of it becoming a Berserk Button.
  • Gary is totally not worried about going into research because of his grandfather's accomplishments.
  • Green totally doesn't have a crush on Red or Blue.
  • Oh! Also, don't tell Misty that Ash is her boyfriend.
  • First off, don't tell Ash that Misty is his girlfriend.
  • Berserk Button: Where do I begin? Everyone seems to have one of these!.
  • Misty also uses it to return the favor.
  • Green uses this to find Misty's Berserk Button in chapter 4.
  • The Lances use this to do the same thing in chapter 17.
  • Blue and Gary use this to pull psych evaluations on each other when they duke it out in chapter 4.
  • Bat Deduction: Often used on one counterpart to another.
  • Ash and Tobias is set up as this, but it's subverted as they split up before fighting.
  • Ash, Misty, and Yellow it in chapter 25.
  • Back-to-Back Badasses: This trope happens several times due to the sheer number of enemies the heroes are usually fighting.
  • Break the Cutie: Ash is pretty much set up as a more innocent Red, but he is pounded on throughout the entire story, possibly coming to a climax around chapter 15?.
  • Always Second Best: In the beginning, Ash is upset that he can never seem to win a league, and the idea of being second to Red also seems to haunt him throughout the fic.
  • Alternate Universe: The basis of the entire story.
  • All-Star Cast: The dex holders teaming up with Ash's crew? Heck yeah! Not to mention that Word of God has assured pretty much every main character from both worlds will make an appearance.
  • Action Prologue: The entire fic opens up with the dex holders taking on a crapload of rockets in an attempt to stop them from capturing Giratina.
  • Pokémon Adventures: Ash Gray Chapter provides examples of the following tropes:

    Pokemon ash gray version review